Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Bathroom - Shower Screen

While in Ireland I saw a cool collapsable tub-Shower screen. It is a four pane screen that attaches to the wall. The panes are hinged so you can collapse it back to the wall. Problem was it was only 4 panes long which isn't long enough for the standard american shower as the pressure is much higher and the water will just shoot out beyond the screen. So I bought two screens, broke them down and made one 6-pane screen out of them. Works a charm, so much nicer than a curtain.

Camera broke

My Optio has crapped out on me, so haven't been able to take any pics. Since last pic I have managed to get the tiling done, install the hardwood and get the walls and ceiling done.
The wood is a bloodwood from BellaWood, I got it at LumberLiquidators. The tile I got at Roma Tile.
Tip: Clean adhesive off tile as soon as it's in place, makes clean-up much easier; same for grout!
Now that the walls and floor are in, i can finally install the toilet. Despite my careful measurements, it's still an inch from the wall!! Also needed a thicker wax ring because of the wood floor. Now all that's left is to build the sink cabinet, pick out the fixtures including light, and get the roof vent installed. Oh, and build the sliding mirror housing, strip, paint and re-install the door and trim.